Creative minds, Designers & Makers, here are your monthly curated fresh resources, take your dose!
Welcome to this 4th edition, still in full confinement, but that doesn’t stop inspiration and creativity.
The layout gets more visual with a preview of each resource.
Pick the categories that interest you, and feel free to share and comment 😊
Take care!
UI/UX Design
🇺🇸 Animockup
Create your free animated product mockup with Animockup to create videos and animated GIFs for social media, landing pages, Dribbble, and more.
🇺🇸 LCH colors in CSS: what, why, and how?
Discover the features of the LCH model, and his advantages in use with CSS, over the RGB/HSL colors. LCH Colour Picker Tool inside!
🇺🇸 The anatomy of a button
All you need to know about button design, one of the main interactive building blocks for creating a user interface.
🇺🇸 UI cheat sheet: dropdown field
Dropdowns get a lot of flak from the UI world – and if we are honest, it’s not without reason. Done badly, they become cumbersome, overwhelming, and ugly. But that’s not what this cheat sheet is about. Here we will talk about what to do when you have to use them.
🇺🇸 65 UX methods and when to use them
UX is a young branch of product design, and it’s still defining its job titles, let alone its preferred methodologies. To help himself, and others, define an optimum process Kalpesh Prithyani has put together this comprehensive list of UX design methods, from research, through ideation, to testing.
🇺🇸 How People Read Online: New and Old Findings
Looking back at findings from a series of eyetracking studies over 13 years, we see that fundamental scanning behaviors remain constant, even as designs change.
🇺🇸 The 8-bit arcade font, deconstructed
In his book Arcade Game Typography, type designer Toshi Omagari breaks down the evolution, design, and history of arcade game fonts. In this video, he guides us through this delightful 8-bit world and breaks it down pixel by pixel.
🇺🇸 Animation in Design System Free E-Book
This eBook by Val Head will give you the foundation you need to shape and create effective motion guidelines for your design system and know exactly how to address animation in your design system.
🇺🇸 Interface In Game
Explore a collection of video games interfaces and find inspiration for your designs.
🇺🇸 How To Succeed In Wireframe Design
In this article, we will take a deeper look at one of the most simple yet quite often underrated activities in web development: the design of wireframes. You’ll learn what wireframes are, why we need to design them, how to get the most out of the designs, and how to take it to the next level.
🇺🇸 New Identity for Esprit by Pentagram
Overall, this is a tight evolution for the logo along with a very useful addition of the full upper and lowercase typeface that will serve as a really strong branding asset and keep the Esprit spirit alive for years to come.
🇫🇷 Étude eye tracking : comment les internautes lisent les pages web en 2020
Le groupe Nielsen Norman vient de publier la 2e édition de son rapport sur la manière dont les utilisateurs lisent en ligne. Si les internautes scannent toujours une page sans suivre un mouvement linéaire, l’étude apporte de nouveaux éléments sur la manière dont l’œil parcourt une page de SERP et comment il s’est adapté en fonction de l’évolution du design sur le web.
🇫🇷 Entrepreneuriat : le dropshipping expliqué aux nuls
À force d’en entendre parler, vous n’arrivez plus à vous sortir ce mot de la tête… Dropshipping. Douze lettres qui ont transformé la vie de milliers de personnes. Des blogueurs aux travailleurs indépendants, le dropshipping est en passe de révolutionner l’entrepreneuriat numérique.
🇫🇷 Comment créer des ancres sur WordPress ?
Pourquoi et comment créer des ancres sur WordPress, simplement et pas à pas.
🇫🇷 Social Rocket : le plugin de partage social en passe de détrôner Social Warfare ?
Sur WordPress, il existe toute une ribambelle de plugins dédiés aux boutons de partage sur les réseaux sociaux. C’était sans compter l’arrivée de Social Rocket, ajouté au répertoire officiel des extensions WordPress en juillet 2019, le petit dernier tend à s’imposer sur la planète WP en proposant divers boutons 100% personnalisables, mais pas que…
Physical Computing
🇫🇷 Arduino : l’alimentation (VCC,VIN, etc…)
Cet article se focalise sur les différents moyens d’alimenter une carte lorsqu’on a besoin de puissance, ce qui malgré les apparences, n’est pas aussi simple que cela.
🇫🇷 Electronique : La résistance interne, c’est quoi ?
Un tutoriel clair et précis pour les débutants, pour découvrir la notion de résistance interne d’un générateur.
3D Printing
🇫🇷 Comment faire l’entretien de son imprimante 3D
Petit condensé de bonnes pratiques, par le populaire GüeroLoco.
🇫🇷 Effet marbrure et hydrographie sur impression 3D
Un tutoriel qui vous montre comment donner à vos impressions 3D un petit effet whaou très facilement avec deux techniques d’habillage.
🇫🇷 Le pied à coulisse numérique
Astuces pratiques d’utilisation du pied à coulisse numérique, outil indispensable de tout Maker.
Selected Sites
👁 Shape Studio
Shape is a specialist design and fabrication studio. They create unique spatial experiences for commercial clients specialising in interiors, exhibitions, artworks and events. Everything they make is entirely bespoke, designed as the outward expression of a brand’s personality.
👁 Happy Egg Co.
Free range, cage free, organic, farm fresh – with competing information, how do you pick the healthiest egg option? To combat the confusion, we created an eggcellent new website that educates why always choosing Happy Eggs makes you feel eggs-tra good (we had to).
Official Website for DEGENESIS, a critically acclaimed and Free to Play Tabletop RPG, with an international community and cult following.
👁 MING labs
We’re a design and tech company that speaks all the jargon. But luckily, we speak human too. We design, we write code, and we love the business side of it all.
VISUAL 📷 Artefact – Vegetal Connections