Creative minds, Designers & Makers, here are your monthly curated fresh resources, take your dose!
Here is a fine selection of medias that attracted my attention the most during the month of May, in a phase of progressive deconfinement.
A subject often comes up in articles or meetings related to Design, it concerns the evolution of the digital design professions with the emergence of new specializations. We now talk about Product Designer or Design Obs.
It’s a universe in full mutation with still blurred frontiers where it is not easy to position oneself and anticipate what our place will be tomorrow.
As for Makers, a selection of DIY tutorials will help you never run out of creative ideas!
Pick the categories that interest you, and feel free to share and comment 😊
Take care!
UI/UX Design
🇺🇸 “Mobile First” ebook is free for all online
The web’s first complete, strategic guide to mobile web design is free to read! With this seminal book, Luke Wroblewski has helped designers all over the world learn how to create mobile experiences people actually use and love, through data-driven strategies and time-tested techniques.
🇺🇸 Logobook
A showcase of the finest logos, symbols & trademarks.
Keeping ideas in motion while the outside world is standing still. One space. One exhibition. One Week. is a web-based, fully interactive, 3D art & design gallery developed to re-awaken cultural life beyond social distancing.
🇺🇸 A Guide to CSS Grids for Designers: Flexbox, CSS Grid, Floats & Clears
As a web designer, you should understand what is involved with programming layouts to eliminate the burden of solving unnecessarily complex programming problems. Your design should be based on real-life applications and should include designer notes suggesting ways to make your layouts work in an adaptive way to create the best user experience.
🇺🇸 The Psychology of Design
A collection of cognitive biases and principles that affect UX. The rules are divided into information, meaning, time, and memory sections. There are currently 24 rules to learn, ranging from the well-known Hick’s Law, to the Zeigarnik Effect, with the authors aiming to add more.
🇺🇸 SVG Path Visualizer
Enter an SVG path data (the string inside the d attribute) to visualize it and discover all its different commands.
🇺🇸 Text fields & Forms design — UI components series
Simple rules that will help you design forms users will like to complete.
🇫🇷 Crise sanitaire : les designers numériques indépendants fortement fragilisés, les salariés temporairement épargnés
designers interactifs publie la synthèse d’une vaste enquête sur l’impact de la crise sanitaire sur les métiers du design numérique en France. 380 designers y ont contribué.
🇫🇷 Un guide pour devenir (product) designer
Après le design d’expérience utilisateur, le design d’interfaces graphiques ou encore le design de services, le design de produits numériques est-il une nouvelle spécialité ?
🇫🇷 Le futur du design numérique
Ces 5 ou 10 dernières années, le design numérique a énormément changé. Ses pratiques d’il y a 15 ans ne sont plus celles d’aujourd’hui, il s’est reconfiguré. Voici des axes de réflexions sur son évolution future.
🇫🇷 Comment utiliser Google Tag Manager sur WordPress ?
Découvrez comment installer Google Tag Manager sur WordPress, ses avantages et son mode de fonctionnement.
Physical Computing
🇺🇸 Chareditor
A web-based LCD Character Editor to easily create custom characters for your Arduino Liquid Crystal Display. You can invert, clear, mirror, copy, paste, cut, shift, change the backlight, and more.
🇫🇷 Comment j’ai sauvegardé «mon Web» sur un disque dur
Geoffrey Dorne a entrepris de créer une sauvegarde de son univers digital en local sur un simple disque dur. Une démarche motivée par différents aspects : autonomie en cas de coupure d’internet ou suppression de contenus, diminuer son bilan carbone, trier et optimiser ses usages du web… Un travail de fourmi intéressant par son approche et sa méthodologie (cryptage et des données, cataloguage…), et qui mérite réflexion.
3D Printing
🇫🇷 Fabriquez une lampe articulée imprimée en 3D
Un nouveau projet qualitatif et inspirant proposé par Héliox.
🇫🇷 Des BRIQUES en CARTON RECYCLÉ ?!!! Le résultat de ce DIY est ÉTONNANT !
On recycle du CARTON pour fabriquer des briques dans des MOULES 3D !!! Le résultat ne va pas être celui qu’on attendait !!!
🇫🇷 Créez de magnifiques timelapse de vos impressions 3D
Des TimeLapses INCROYABLES avec ton imprimante 3D grâce à une webcam ou un appareil photo et le combo OctoPrint / OctoLapse ! Suivez le guide dans ce tuto.
🇫🇷 Découvrez la tenségrité, ou la “presque lévitation”
Heliox nous propose un tutoriel artistique inspirant pour construire des structures qui paraissent en lévitation, maintenant c’est à vous de jouer !
Selected Sites
👁 Adam Ho
Adam Ho is an independent graphic and interaction designer, based in Brooklyn, New York.
👁 Thierry Chopain Portfolio 2020
Independent craftsman designer, I take care of making a tailor-made digital identity for each of my clients.
👁 Edoardo Smerilli – Film Director
Edoardo Smerilli is a film director based in Bologna, Italy. As multidisciplinary director, he combines cinema, comics, VFX and CGI.
👁 Jiacheng Yang 2020 Portfolio
Jiacheng Yang is a multidisciplinary designer based in LA working on both traditional and spatial computing user interfaces. From ideation to execution, he makes great user experiences with UI design, 3D design, and hands-on prototyping.
👁 Mooooi – A Life Extraordinary
Moooi fills the void created by the postponement of Milan’s Salone del Mobile with a multi-sensory brand experience, an unexpected and immersive world uncovering their newest products.
VISUAL 📷 little papers – Your thoughts are hanging by one thread